About Hwanseok Yeo
Research Interests
- High-Performance Digital PLL and CDR Design
- Cell-Based Design Flow
- Hwanseok Yeo, Sigang Ryu, Yoontaek Lee, Seuk Son and Jaeha Kim, "A 940MHz-Bandwidth 28.8μs-Period 8.9GHz Chirp Frequency Synthesizer PLL in 65nm CMOS for X-Band FMCW Radar Applications," International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), 2016.
- J. Kim, H. Yeo, S. Ryu, “Synthesizing Method of Signal Having Variable Frequency and Synthesizer of Signal Having Variable Frequency,” US Patent App. 2014/604533, filed Jan. 2015.
- Sigang Ryu, Hwanseok Yeo, Yoontaek Lee, Seuk Son, and Jaeha Kim "A 9.2 GHz Digital Phase-Locked Loop with Peaking-Free Transfer Function" IEEE Jounal of Solid-State Circuits (JSSC), Aug. 2014.
- Sigang Ryu, Hwanseok Yeo, Yoontaek Lee, Seuk Son and Jaeha Kim, "A 9.2-GHz Digital Phase Locked Loop with Peaking-Free Transfer Function," Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), Sep. 2013.
- Kyunghoon Kim, Seuk Son, Sigang Ryu, Hwanseok Yeo, Yunju Choi, and Jaeha Kim, "A 1.3-mW, 1.6-GHz Digital Delay-Locked Loop with Two-Cycle Locking Time and Dither-Free Tracking," Symposium of VLSI Circuits, 2013.
- 여환석, 류시강, 최윤주, 김재하, "PVT-Insensitive, Adaptive-Bandwidth Digital PLL Design with Constant Relative-Gain DCO," 한국전자파학회 하계종합학술대회, 2013년.
My Research Projects
- Fast Chirp Frequency Synthesizer PLL for FMCW Radar
- Multiphase PLL with a hybrid injection-locking
- Wide frequency range PLL with fractional divider
- Adaptive-bandwidth PLL with constant relative gain DCO