Introduction to MICS
MICS strives for efficient and productive design and verification of high-performance mixed-signal VLSI systems. Today's integrated circuit (IC) design requires a highly-skilled art, finding the right balance between various competing objectives such as speed, power, noise, area, yield and cost. While most people perceive analog circuit design as dark magic, we believe that the key to successful design is to simplify the design problem by leveraging the proper abstraction reflected by design intent and enforcing their constraints by validation. |
This is the Home of XMODEL
MICS Group has created XMODEL, a fast event-driven analog/mixed-signal simulator for analog/mixed-signal systems in SystemVerilog. |
To Prospective Students
MICS 연구실은 석박사과정 진학 또는 인턴쉽을 원하는 학생들을 환영합니다. MICS 연구실 지원을 희망하는 학생들은 다음 페이지를 읽어보고, 김재하 교수에게 자기소개와 함께 이메일을 보내기 바랍니다. |
MICS group welcomes those who want to pursue MS/PhD degrees or do internships with us. If you are interested, please read this page and contact Prof. Jaeha Kim. |
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